Ramesh Abhishek, Secretary, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has emphasised that there is a need to bolster the ease of innovation in the country. He said at the launch of ‘Global Innovation Index, 2019’ that the government is going to take measures to commercialise India’s innovations. He also added that the government is giving a big push to IPR education by including it in school curricula, and so far over 4 lakh students have been covered under this initiative, he said.
“In the light of National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) policy unveiled in 2016, we formed a task force to analyze sector-wide areas of improvements in country’s innovation landscape. With inputs gained from various stakeholders, we have made significant progress. India’s rank in the GII ranking has improved from 81st in 2015 to 57th in 2018, and the country has been ranked among the most innovative country in the Central and South Asia region every year since 2011. These numbers are a testimonial of country’s rapid strides on this front,” he stated.
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