India Business & Trade – April - May, 2022

A number of companies are leveraging cross border e-commerce for their expansion into the international market. The April-May issue of India Business & Trade analyses the reasons for rising interest in the medium, and how it can be further leveraged to catalyse India’s exports.


Latest trade & business news updates from across the world.


India-US F&B trade 

Analysis of the most promising categories for exports to the  US, India’s top F&B export destination.


Russia-Ukraine war & Indian F&B exports

This war boils down to the question of self-sufficiency and brings a mixed bag for Indian exporters.

Services sector post-COVID

With rise of digitisation and automation, India must evolve its approach towards services to stay competitive.

India-Australia trade pact 

This article discusses some of the key sectors that can benefit from the culmination of the India-Australia deal.

 The cryptic case of the ‘crypto elephant’ in the room

IBT analyses the possible contours that cryptocurrency regulation should now take.

Reinventing India’s creative economy in a digital era

Improving demographics, access to ICTs & lifestyle shifts, promise a bright future for creative economy



Charting the unchartered 

Inland waterways is an underutilized mode of freight transportation, but is being positioned as part of India’s larger infrastructure and logistics-focused policies.



For innovative startups, the world is a playground

Deep Bajaj, co-founder of Sirona, talks about the drivers of the success of his brand.



Karnataka’s exports: Caffeinating India’s software hub!

To be a holistic export destination, Karnataka needs to take steps to boost its merchandise exports.



Ready for a digital leap?

Indian companies are leveraging cross border e-commerce. Can this be the next big catalyst for India’s exports?

Preparing the ecosystem

With confidence and certainty, Indian entrepreneurs can leverage cross border e-commerce effectively.

Trade rules in e-commerce to benefit Indian industry

India should be at the forefront of global negotiations on e-commerce.

Is India missing out on a big trend?

Stakeholders in India are still looking at cross-border e-commerce as a fringe area. This needs to change.



Can India-Denmark GSP inspire rapid green transitions?

India-Denmark Green Strategic Partnership aims to build on the existing linkages to tackle Climate Change.



Keeping pandemic blues away

Pushkar Mukewar explains how SMEs can tackle pandemic-induced challenges. Tide over challenges posed by the pandemic.



What’s the latest @TPCI?

Read about what kept the TPCI team engaged throughout the first three months of 2022.



Apply ‘Local for Global’ in yoga exports

Yoga is connecting us with people of different cultures who are unaware of our language or culture.

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