Indian IT industry

Present ‘tense’, future positive? The state of India’s IT sector

The Indian IT industry anticipates sustained growth, driven by digital technology adoption despite persistent market challenges. With GenAI and emerging technologies poised to fuel growth, the industr...

IT Industry_TPCI
Indian IT Industry faces double-edged sword

In the face of a global economic slowdown marked by recession, trade wars, and geopolitical tensions, the Indian IT industry is facing an uncertain demand environment, which is also visible with the c...

Indian IT industry: Combating the pandemic and beyond

While the Indian IT sector is showing robust growth prospects, it needs to invest more in digital skills and improve its share in markets beyond the US and the UK....

H-1B visa ban: Wrong medicine for US pandemic pains

The H-1B visa ban is expected to increase hiring costs and make hiring quality talent tougher, thereby impacting both Indian and US companies. Moreover, research confirms the positive impact of H-1B v...

H1B Visa
H-1B: A self-defeating misjudgement

Despite the Trump administration's assertions to the contrary, the H-1B visa ban may neither be beneficial for the US employment scenario nor for its post-COVID growth prospects....

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