Indian manufacturing

India, the emerging strategic manufacturing and sourcing hub

India is one of the world's fastest-growing economies and its manufacturing success in the global arena over the past five years has been quite significant....

Unleashing India’s Manufacturing Potential: Can Industry 4.0 be the game changer?

While recent government initiatives, particularly the PLI scheme, have made a major impact on manufacturing investments and output, industry has to keep a keen focus on the game changing impact of Ind...

India’s manufacturing activity in June indicates sustained expansion 

The manufacturing activity in India slowed down in the month of June from a 31-month high in May. However, the output remained in the growth domain owing to new work orders amidst favourable demand co...

Boost to manufacturing sector is the need of the hour

India is now seen as the Sixth Manufacturing Superpower – gradually growing, having its manufacturing output share doubled in 20 years (2002-21)....

Jagdish N. Sheth Manufacturing
Revitalising Indian manufacturing: Modernisation of home, farm and factory

Prof Jagdish Sheth suggests that India must prioritise modernising the farm, strengthening consumer-facing sectors and making its factories smart to progress towards the higher end of the manufacturin...

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