Sujit Patra, tea MRLs interview
Arbitrary withdrawal of Codex standards is harming tea trade

Even as exporters struggle with varying international standards for agricultural crops Sujit Patra, Secretary, India Tea Association, explains how the lack of internal harmonisation of standards in th...

India should have its own firm MRL standards for imports
India should have its own firm MRL standards for imports

Krishnendu Chatterjee, Sr. VP - Centre of Excellence at Darjeeling Organic Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd (DOTEPL), explains how Indian organic food producers are also facing MRL challenges in markets like EU, ...

MRL: A bane for India’s agricultural export ambitions
MRL: A bane for India’s agricultural export ambitions

While developed countries have traditionally been stringent on maximum residue limit or MRL norms, the same are now being adopted in bits and pieces by some developing countries. This is leading to st...

India needs to ban pesticides & fertilisers banned in key importing markets

Prof Arpita Mukherjee, ICRIER, cautions that adhering to importing country standards on maximum residue limits (MRLs), or countering them scientifically is critical to India’s ambitions of ramping u...

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