Dr. Ganesh Rede
Need of small scale food-processing industries at village level

Dr. Ganesh Rede, an agricultural economist, discusses with India Business and Trade, the Minimum Support Price (MSP) system in India and its impact on farmers and agricultural production. He explains ...

Dr. Parashram Patil
Future of Indian agriculture is high-value-added agri-processing

India Business & Trade engages in conversation with Dr. Parashram Patil delves into the symbiotic relationship between agricultural value addition and MSP....

Integrating value addition with MSP to address post-harvest losses

Bhuvana, an agricultural economist, says in a conversation with India Business and Trade that the lack of post-harvest processing, wastage is a serious matter in Indian agriculture. Tackling this prob...

Prof. Nilabja Ghosh
Food processing can drive rural and agricultural development in India

The food processing industry has the substantial potential to contribute to India's rural and agricultural development through investment, innovation, supply chain modernization, and global market exp...

MSP or value addition? The future roadmap of Indian agriculture

The Minimum Support Price (MSP) is a government intervention in the agricultural sector designed to protect farmers from market price fluctuations and ensure a minimum income for their produce. The MS...

Increase in MSP – a swift move towards farmer welfare

The central government has announced an increase in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) for Kharif crops during the Marketing Season 2023-24....

Prof. Kushankur Dey
Electronic trading of farm produce could take off in a big way

Prof. Kushankur Dey, IIM Lucknow, feels that institutionalising of electronic trading and transaction of farm produce is a welcome move. The electronic National Agriculture Market (eNAM) should play a...

Prof Kriti Bardhan Gupta
Corporatisation of agriculture is not always bad

Corporatisation of agriculture win-win solution for farmers, business people as well as consumers. It will bring more value addition....

Prof Brajesh Jha
The farm bill does not speak about MSP of the commodity

The MSP of crops has been an important signal to farmers for their land allocation. In the present situation, this also provides price assurance to farmers....

Prof. Nilabja Ghosh
Farm reforms could establish stronger links between agriculture & industries

If the Acts are correctly implemented, agriculture will become a larger and vibrant sector with stronger linkages with industries to which it will supply inputs for value addition and in turn the food...

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