By 2035, EU to ban new combustion-engine automobiles

By 2035, the sale of new gasoline and diesel automobiles and vans will be prohibited by an agreement concluded by the European Parliament and EU member nations. In order to meet the EU’s climate targets of reducing emissions of gases that cause global warming by 55% over this decade, negotiators for the EU secured the first accord of the bloc’s “Fit for 55” package on Thursday evening.

The EU Parliament said the deal is a “clear signal ahead of the UN COP27 Climate Change Conference that the EU is serious about adopting concrete laws to reach the more ambitious targets set out in the EU Climate Law.”

The only industry where greenhouse gas emissions have increased over the last three decades, according to data from the bloc, is transportation, which raised its emissions by 33.5% between 1990 and 2019. 61% of all CO2 emissions from EU road transport are caused by passenger automobiles, making them a significant polluter.

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