Amid global death toll from the coronavirus crossing 15,000 and doctors across the world desperately seeking ventilators, China’s Aeonmed Co. has been working around the clock to produce its lifesaving ventilators. In severe cases, it is the availability of a ventilator that can help a Covid-19 patient breathe can determine if he lives or dies since these machines pump oxygen into the lungs and remove carbon dioxide from the body. Many patients inflicted by the virus need the machine because their blood oxygen level drops precipitously — a condition called hypoxemia — which can cause organ damage and be potentially life threatening.
After meeting the China’s needs two weeks ago, the firm has roped in even its research and development staff to meet the skyrocketing international demand. “There’s literally no country in the world that doesn’t want to buy a ventilator from China right now.” stated Li Kai, director of Beijing Aeonmed.
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