GI tag conferred on Kodaikanal’s ‘hill garlic’

Known for its medicinal and preservative properties, Kodaikanal Malai Poondu has been granted Geographical Indication. This tag recognizes that this pungent, raindrop-shaped garlic is an agricultural product unique only to this southern hill stations and forbids use of the name ‘hill garlic’ for other varieties. Rich in antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, it has been used to cure common ailments like headache, asthma, tiredness, body pain, post-natal care, weight loss, indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems by the local inhabitants of the region. The soil condition, hill altitude and the climatic conditions (11- 20°C) of Kodaikanal impart this garlic its uniqueness. Now Tamil Nadu has 28 GI-tagged products to its credit; 7 of which are agricultural commodities. 

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