India challenges WTO solar verdict

India won a case in June this year against the US on domestic content requirements and subsidies provided by 8 US states in the solar sector. However, India has challenged the ruling given by the WTO dispute settlement panel, according to a release by the trade body. While most of the verdict is in India’s favour, it has challenged some points in its communication, which reads, “India hereby notifies the dispute settlement body (DSB) of its decision to appeal to the appellate body certain issues of law and legal interpretation covered in the panel report entitled US – Certain Measures Relating to the Renewable Energy Sector which was circulated on 27 June 2019.” It adds, “The panel erred in holding that India did not make a prima facie case that the Minnesota solar thermal rebate under measure 10 had ongoing effects, and therefore, constituted a matter before the panel that required examination in order to provide a positive solution to the dispute.” 

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