Addressing a webinar held by the Bennett University, on Thursday on the theme “Combating Covid-19: Biotech to the Rescue”, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, executive chairperson, said India has the capacity to emerge as global hub for manufacturing testing kits.
She observed that at a time when the US is inundated with cases, all the test manufacturers are focusing on US. She also noted that India was quick to realize that it has quite a few companies that had the ability to develop the kits.
She opined that the day is not far when India will become the hub in the world for manufacturing the testing kits.“This is a time when there is a milieu of efforts from different aspects of medical community, engineering community, IT community. Everything is coming together because there are so many opportunities to understand this horrible pandemic and to deal with it in a way that gives us a comfort that we can actually get into amuch safer zone, she noted.”
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