indian food

Indian food industry shines in innovation, convenience, and healthful offerings

Ramesh Singhal, Founder of Noble Dehydrates, shares the inspiring journey from a small Rajasthan village to global entrepreneurship....

kanhai - Zissto
“Modern tech in food minimizes labour, automates processes”

In a comprehensive interview with IBT, Kanhai Porecha, the founder of Zissto, shares the journey of his venture from its inception in 2017....

Manav Bhandari
Essence of Indian food in Germany

Manav Bhandari, Managing Director, Global Foods Trade GmbH, on the increasing diaspora of Indians in Europe and with that, increase in demand for ethnic India food....

Vadilal ice cream
Vadilal ice cream: A treat for the soul for 100 years

Over the course of 100 years, Vadilal ice creams have won the hearts of millions of people in India & around the world. What began as a shop fountain shop is now a leading dairy brand...

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